S t r e a m T h e K i t c h e n O n l i n e A t http://www.wcdbfm.com

January 3, 2009


Convergence, originally uploaded by lf979883.

Hey all... Happy 2009! I have been enjoying my break at home, just kind of unwinding and recovering from the fall semester. I said I'd be on Fridays 8-10 over break, but I've definitely been slacking on that! I only live about 40 minutes from the radio station, but for one reason or another I've just not been able to make it out to my show.

That said, I will definitely be compiling a playlist and bringing some records from my collection out next Friday for what will likely be my only intersession show, and the first kitchen of 2009! YEAH! Let's hear it for the new year! I'm definitely going to miss 2008, though - For a rundown of my favorite albums from 2008, check out my countdown at my other blog,


That's all for now! Check out this photo of two very different bands that share an interesting parallel on their album covers. Wild!

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